
Showing posts from November, 2023

Gallery pieces and Booklet.

Although I'm combining the two projects displayed in the gallery, they have very different meanings for me. The first I'll talk about is the booklet, Through The Gaps. Cover page of Through The Gaps Through the Gaps represents my early experience at Lawrence University. I've felt that by joining a community much larger than myself, I've been exposed to the fact that my life opinions and values are not objective; they are a result of the specific ways in which I've been raised, the gaps I've seen the world through over the past 18 years. "The main obstacle to a clear understanding of the effects of the new media is our deeply embedded habit of regarding all phenomena from a fixed point of view(McLuhan, 68)." My project takes this idea that media nor our lives can be seen from one point of view. Each photo I take possesses a subject that is distorted from plain sight because of the gap the image presents the subject through. The image on the cover is tit...

Final Project: How Long Have We Been Disracted

How Long Have We Been Distracted?   My final project, titled How Long Have We Been Distracted,  aims to encourage the viewer to come to terms with a crucial part of existential philosophy: that we are constantly running from the fact that despite how much we may ask the universe for a purpose, there is no response. Specifically, we run from boredom, as when we are bored, we begin to question such ideas, which can cause mental crises and anxiety(angst). However, this perpetual escape from boredom often alludes to humans for the majority of our lives. As we live in a state of boredom, it's like a fish recognizing it lives in the ocean without knowing fish live in the ocean in the first place: "Environments are invisible. Their ground rules, pervasive structures, and overall patterns elude easy perception (McLuhan, 84-85). The collage itself covers my project and consists of people partaking in such distractions or results of humanity's need for more distractions. However, in...