Short film
When thinking about what to create for a one-minute film, my mind was mostly drawn to conveying my feelings about Lawrence and college in the short time I have been here. When going more in-depth about this subject, I was further pushed to film about the unfamiliar feeling that constantly nags at my head. I've found that no matter how comfortable I get in my dorm, with friends, or in my classes, there is a constant reminder through my surroundings that I am not at a place I call home. This feeling is what I try to convey through my short film. The short, scattered clips of Appleton are used to express the feeling just mentioned. They are not colorful, or shot very beautifully, and when put together create nothing to evoke powerful emotions. These shots, when put together with the audio of my piano lessons, work to create tension and a feeling of unease. The three repeating shots of a water tower, a train track, and a parking lot, along with the library and the airplane represent th...